Friday, August 7, 2009







Saturday, August 1, 2009



在新的一个SEM里,不能否认自己的责任已增加,喜欢的,不喜欢的,或是被逼的,已不能由我自己去选择,要活在群体中,便要凡事为群体而着想,为群体的利益作为中心,没有所谓的自私和我行我素。对于新的juniors,从认识到引导,都有着新的体验。整体上,second year 的生活是另外一个新的挑战。状况会频频发生,不懂到时自己还应付得到吗?就当作是一个考验,一个对自己将来的训练。




Sunday, June 7, 2009

Memories Rewind

It is already a week I am home for my holiday...All these days I seem like very useless, everyday watch series or listen songs, or else will hang out with friends, money wasting! Now I am really bankrupt! Don't really have enough money to indulge anymore, but somehow I don't know what else actually I can do for these 2 weeks instead of indulging...something meaningful to do? People say there usually is, just depend on if I want to dig them out...At home, no internet connection, no newspapers, all I have is just a multifunction laptop...It helps me a lot, in the sense of filling my free time...Studying for next sem? Not my style, I even don't know my result yet! What a troublesome finance system handled by UM...or maybe I was oblivious with the things happened within my course? Perhaps, I am not closed with my course mates. This is the thing I really need to improve. Let see what else can do at home, helping to do housework? Learn some cooking skills? If you are me, will you do this?? Haha, a "lazy" explain all unwillingness. I think what most people do in holiday is just almost similar with me...unless for those who are working. Unfortunately I can't work due to time constraint, my holiday is less than 1 month. Working with Papa isn't a good idea for me too, I'm totally not interested in rough works and what he does, some more he would not let me to do anything that really helpful, just simple "servant jobs" that what I call. Maybe I am too selective? Just deeply think that kind of job would not be suitable with my age, status, and capability.

Maybe I am 'void', so lots of my first year memory haunts my mind, vividly. Friends, projects, activities...

Let's talk about what projects I have joined.

GACC 13: Erm...It is a really good projects and a good opportunity to learn and gain experience. I could see how did seniors enjoy the process, and through GACC, they have a very strong bond between each other, but it is not for me...How reluctant it is, I won't give up doing my part cause I don't want to be the irresponsible one. I really enjoy in learning in GACC, but not the policy that being done...We had controversy and unsatisfactory, it was a hard time indeed. It was a miracle that we are able to run this international program with the shortage of time and man power. Really pity for those who have multi tasks, but they did great! After a long run, a taste of satisfaction and happiness are no longer practical for me, just a taste of relief that I could feel. For those who attended the post molten, I need to say sorry, and say thanks to those who support me...That time I was arrogant, but I was telling my true view...Thanks to my director chin yee, she is my tender 'mom'...

CNY coor: I really enjoyed the preparation, getting known with other coors, making jokes together. I feel relaxed maybe because it is informal one, and we don't have much limitation. That night, everything was running smoothly but the games that I created, stupid! I didn’t expect people would not be sporting. It made the coors around became stupid too...sad! But situation was still under control, luckily got ah Goh assist me, thanks again!

Feseni: Another activity that I was being irresponsible. I enjoyed in the beginning but getting bored with the frequent practices afterwards. Maybe it was not frequent, but most of the time of practice will clash with my plan which have been planned earlier, like my first clubbing, celebrating people birthday, all I needed to skip because of practice. I skipped class too because of my fatigue body in the next day of the practice day. And also the hairstyle, we are students, not artists, we didn’t have to sacrifice our images just for the sake of 3 minutes dance. Did I dance for my life? Professional dancer? It didn’t make sense that we didn’t have the right to reject...But somehow, I just couldn't say 'no'. People said I sacrifice for art, no, i sacrifice for my responsibility. I was angry. But when the stylist was about to shave my hair, I found there's nothing to be angry about, just being happy to face it and I did it. I enjoyed the period being botak...haha! And I need to say sorry to zee way, cause sometime I was quite 'bird', but she is the patient one.

Performances: Dancing in senior-freshies night, mitb...paiseh, the lame dance I created one, and I watched back the video, it was really lame! I didn’t blame any dancers, but the dance steps that I taught, is really lame! Sometimes I was quite mad in teaching, and sometimes I will laugh at those funny mistakes that people made, especially Cherry, now I am still laughing, haha, sorry ya! And I sang in GACC closing ceremony and matb 2. For GACC one, I just felt that there was not enough performances, so I decided to duet which is the easiest solution. Thanks for may fong be my partner, your voice is sweet, but sorry cause the great impact on us after the duet. Rumors!! Unbearable, from GACC till the whole college, never end! Come on la, don't spoil may fong market, I don't want to be blamed. And the matb2 one, nice appearance, sucks in singing. At first, there were 3 people sing with me, but at last left me alone, it needed a great courage to be solo, I just wanted to reject, but somehow, responsibility made me changed my mind. Hopefully it wasn't a washout!

MMK: It was a project I truly like. Although I wasn't a member, but I wished my little support have given a little help on your project...The closing was impressive! Good Job.

How about my friends then? Zen, Ken and Wern Yet, thank you all are my 2nd sem roommates. I know I am meticulous in cleanliness and neat but you all are really nice to bear with me! I won’t forget we used to have good time together, ordering mcdi, chit-chatting and play together if there was any, and sorry if I have done something wrong to you all ...Again, thanks for the wallet, it is nice! Joe, Suresh, Bear, May Fong and Cherry, you all looks like the children of Samantha, but don’t absorb her essence la...Cause will be very scary de...haha! Thanks for accompanying so much and I enjoyed those outings! Again, don’t laugh my English pronunciation o...And I have nothing to do with May Fong, don’t spoil her market la...My GACC mates, really enjoy working with you all, you all are very nice! Scold me if I am being irresponsible! I know it will be a very difficult process, but I really looking for the time when 11 of us sitting in the round table and having dinner together in the closing ceremony...and cheer for success. Gambateh...My course mates, unless Suresh, I think I am not that closed with others, but I really hope to improve that. Thanks for those who have helped me a lot in my studies, borrowing me homework, and informing me course information! They are helpful, arigato! And special for Shawn and Shok Kim, thanks for borrowing me printer and help me a lot in studies...

I really enjoyed my first year, I will always miss it...Especially Genting trip and Pangkor trip, so glad that I never felt outcast in both of this trip, I was totally relaxing and enjoying to the utmost, there were not any disappointment and I didn’t have any burden...Thanks for the coor and those who was being with me all the way...2nd year, I think I won’t have much time to enjoy and try something new anymore, I have two important tasks that I need to put them as priorities now – Studies and GACC 14...I regretted that I didn’t put my full concentration in studies and lead me to the worst result, I swear I won’t do the same mistakes in the upcoming sem...I can’t afford to lose my pointer again because of the temptations and activities...

I have gone too much, and there is no doubt that I have experienced the joy and grief, I will learn from the pass and make me fully prepared for the upcoming 2nd year. Who’d have known, when you flash up on my mind, I will not feel alone. Miss you, my first year!

Sunday, May 17, 2009


好久没写部落各了,趁今天心血来潮, 就写写吧!Stayback已有一个星期了,我就郁闷了一个星期。不是说没东西做,要做的是都很无趣,没东西做的时候更乏味!最开心的时候便是在宿舍里干活的时候,因为那里的internet特别强!看youtube更是不用等的,所以一面做proposal一面上网,很过瘾!最期待就是晚餐,每人都会轮流负责,没想到GACC的MT都蛮会煮菜的,美中不足的是不能多吃,因为大家都在省!其余在租屋里的时间便是一个字,‘闷’!不稳的wifi,炎热的天气使我一天要冲几次凉,没有私人空间,狭窄的房间使我透不过气!还有在这边很多陌生的脸孔,但还好有朋友陪着,不时作作笑,但仍然比较想回家去与家乡的朋友聚会,或上槟城与kmph的老友会面,总比这边好吧!咳,这样多complaint干什么?有的住都偷笑了!我就是这样了,时常都会不满这个,不满那个的,就如美贤所说的。哈哈,人是有要求嘛。。

Saturday, April 25, 2009


今天一整天都在浪费时间,虽然说是有翻翻笔记,但是还是觉得不够。觉得时间过得很快,还有一科最不可能明白的课程--surveying在星期二就要考了,都不懂在短短的两天内如何把半年的课程啃完,而且还是盲目地啃,根本就不明白,相信其它系友都有同感。而且教授从来没有给练习我们,作答时一定很不熟手!在这样短的时间内把所有的东西背起来根本是不可能的,唯有碰下运气,选觉得有机会会出的东西来读,做pass year,只要及格就行了!

Friday, April 24, 2009

考试‘心得’ Part 2


Wednesday, April 22, 2009



Monday, March 16, 2009

An upset outing

Ok, well, let's continue writing my blog...To night i tend to spend my night at bbg because my room full of people, and they are busy studying for their test, it is not a good idea to disturb them, or i can say, occupying the space, making the atmosphere more suffocating. And I also need some privacy to write my blog.
Well, let's continue my previous story that i have my words to tell about why I was upset during my official birthday, especially the outing at the night. I was being promised too much and i put too much expectation on it, but finally lead to disappointment. Actually that day i was about to plan spending the day alone, like going mid-valley see things and had a nice meal. I tended to do so because I didn't want any promises from the others but they broke them eventually. It would upset me, especially for those I expected. But it has happened. ZEN said he wanted to accompany me, so as Joee and wern yet...I was happy because there were friends willingly to spend time with me for my birthday...In the evening, I received message from yoke ting, she said she is going to mid-valley also with her gang, and asked me whether wanna join them, of course I said yes! I started to expect the outing, I really thought they will hang out with me, together celebrated my birthday since i din't notice any cad-cam girls around at the night of celebration. But somehow, I was so upset in the end of story...
First thing is i was waiting for my roomates back, I have prepared nicely to set me ready for the outing, since I really need to do some surveys at mid-valley, so i didn't want any delay. And they have promised me to eat dinner at Kim Gary together. I waited until 6.30pm, my roomates came back, and they said they have eaten the du food...What the---! I thought we were going to have dinner together outside, why they ate first but never tell me? This is the first 'aeroplane'. Wern Yet, who I thought is going out with me, and also his gang, they were actually ready to go out after dinner, but they never suppose that I thought I was joinning them...This is the second aeroplane..Forget it, I still have ZEN, KEN and Joee, but when I was back to room after my dinner, ZEN was there, and he was washing his clothes! Didn't he ever think that I was rushing? And then joee, he was playing squash at 6th college!! And he forgot the outing! And we did call him lots of time, he never reply...I really felt sad and angry at that time, that was the third aeroplane...But I still wanted to control my temper...I couldn't get angry during my birthday...That time my mood was totally spoiled...somemore I need to wait my roommates to get ready, I was well-prepared and waiting there, but they still seems like pocrastinating...Haiz...ok, fine! That time I was about to cancel my outing, but somehow, I couldn't be selfish like that, I felt like they were not going out for me but I were the one who going out for them instead! I really had no mood, but I knew it was not so good that i burst out on the spot, I needed to control...I din't know the way to make me feel better, all I wanted was being alone, calming down my mind! Yes, it does work for me when I was dull...So I was being irresponsible that I seperated myself with ZEN and KEN, pity them! I knew it was stupid and shouldn't be done, but sorry, I really din't know how to face them when i was really moody...Perhaps it was a good chance for them to improve the 'roommateship', haha! I went through almost all the male shops to search for my desired 'matb 2' shirt, but all of them were damn expensive! I took some pictures on the center court since there were creative exhibition. Until my mind was calm, so I sms my roommates for movie, and i met them again at the top floor. But however, my mood was not fully recovered yet, although ZEN and KEN were trying to joke with me, but my mood was just like that! I was sorry and thanks for being nice to please me...I really appreciated it! Haiz...I knew I actually looking for something but just it couldn't be fulfill somehow. After the stupid 'chunli' movie, we took the taxi and back to UM and i never met the cad-cam gang in mid-valley.
I knew I was quite emotional sometimes, and when I was upset, everything seems like going wrong, and i would start blaming other people...And it's not a virtue that should be carried on, this is my weakness, I should change it...Although from my words, the one who did wrong sounds like other people, but I really shouldn't blame them, if I stand on their view, I would know there is nothing that I thought it should have been. So, I need to learn to be optimistic, if I show out my anger, it would bring trouble for my friend also...

My so-called birthday celebration

So long I din't update my blog, even my birthday, i also din't remark it that i think i shouldn't. Well, today is a good day when my Asb mid-term test is over and gladly, i managed to answer it well! :) Why suddenly feel like updating my blog? Because my roommate ZEN said he wrote his very first diary yesterday and he thinks he should proceed it since he is scared of loosing such good memories in UM...Well, he did inspire me that I need to proceed my blog! Yes, the mood comes and I'm gonna tell you what has happened in my birthday of 2009 and some of my own perceptions...
I think I will never forget the day of 3 March 2009. Starting from 11pm onwards, the things happened seriously never in my record of my life! It was gross! I was about to finish my dancing practise( I hate it), but during the practise, I noticed my friend Joee brought a cake to mamak, i guessed he is going to put it inside the refrigerator and prepared for my up-coming birthday...Haha, it was in my expectation, sure would celebrate at mamak! I always like to test my prediction and it is always justified...But not that day! I purposely delayed my dancing pratice and reached room with a tired body, KEN and ZEN are inside, ZEN was busy of something and i could see he took pales when he left...Erm...water fight huh? I pretended knowing nothing. As usual, i bathed and wore nicely, preparing for the so-called birthday party. I asked KEN about the missing of ZEN, and he told me lies, I considered them as nonsense la...Cause i guessed i know what was happenning. After that, I was brought to the lobby by Joee and KEN. Then, KEN started to blindfold me and i was panicked that i started to think otherwise. Surely a surprise, but what kind of surprise it would bring? Until I heard some familiar stench and freaky voices, I know what was going to happen! I would be tortured! I was not so sure how's it gonna to be, but I knew that time, i couldn't run away! The time has come, I was tied with the column in 'tengkayun' roughly, and the violence came. I was asked to choose a number of presents, 1-5. I knew what were they, water, ice, and so on...I randomly picked the numbers, and they started to give me a series of surprise, more suitable words, torments! They were insanely pouring the water on me, making me became a wet dummy. They putting ices inside my clothes and pants, making me became an ice man. They took off my belt and I was so shamed as there were girls watching out there! I wasn't so sure who they are since I was blindfolded. Next, a white man, they rub the toothpaste on my body, made my body shivering like hell! And perhaps they put the toothpaste inside my underwear as well! Huhu...hopefully the toothpaste was not expired...Whatelse? They threw water baloons on me, and also eggs, but i was so numb as that time cause my receptors were no longer working as there were too much sense happening simultaneosly...Lastly, they put the wax on my nipples. I was about to loosen my ties, and then i started to chase people for revenge, so unlucky, i fall down quite a few times until my silipar was broken, they were so expert in hiding, and i acted like a crazy people with upset appearance. Until Joee and ZEN dared to approach me and helped mr to rinse my body. I seized the chance to revenged on ZEN by pouring water on him. Haha..
It was definitely useless to rinse my body on the spots, and chai hoe suggested to go mamak to celebrate my birthday officially with my special look. What a 'nice' suggestion. Not to wasting too much time, i was excorted to the mamak. The weather is exceptionally cold! I was trembling all the time. Thanks for Mei Xian to help me switched off the fans. Then, my cake finally appeared, it was my second cake in my life! It was a choclate cake with bananas inside. 'Sorry, we all love you, Talung' was written on it with two big candles, indicating that i was already 20 years old. As a tradition of 2nd college, I sang 'trilanguage' birthday songs out loud for my own. It was no longer embarassing since my look is already shameful enough! After finished singing, May fong dedicated 'I believe I can fly' for me, although just the chorus part, yet it was touching. I insisted to wait ZEN and KEN before I made wish and blow the candle, during the time, my candles died out for a few times. I need to light them on with my shivering hand. Eventually they came and officially sang the birthday songs. Hence I made wish and blew the candles, the cake was served. Thanks for the people joinning the party and sorry for my extra-ordinary look.
I rushed back to my room and took a long bath(about half an hour), then i headed to mamak again to meet my friends again. Thanks for weijun coming! We chit-chatted and I was treated by ZEN for mamak. Thanks! Then we went back to room, they said they have a present ready for me. And they seems so secretive to hand me the present...I remembered I did signal them before what I desired to get, and I din't expect they will remember it! A wallet! I damn like the wallet until I'm not sampai hati to use it. Thanks them a lot! Love they all! We had a good time before the night ended.
The night was impressive for me until i couldn't fell asleep, I was still recalling the previous situation. During the whole process, it was really tough and shameful but somehow I was enjoyed it and I think I managed to coordinate myself with them, hopefully it did not disappoint the planner lo..Really I wanted to say thanks for those who risk their life to buy me a cake, intimately sharing their money for the wallet, but not for those who torture me so hard until it left some unbearable odour on my shirt! Haha, just kidding!
During 4th of march, which is my official birthday, i just could tell that i did not enjoy it so much. But I just would tell for my next blog....haha! Cause I don't want to spoil this page which I have written lots of happy things!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Was it a good valentine day?

Today was valentine day which fervent couples have been waiting for long, and also my roommate birthday...Haha, what a coincidence! Today we planned to go sing K at Low yat plaza which i was told by shi jay yesterday, and I expected this outing also since i usually have great passion in singing. But somehow, the outing did not please me so much and yet it wasn't terrible too..
I was going to date with people different course with me, i tended to play nice in order i would not get alienated. We faced some problems at the red box counter because of the sudden increment of our kaki but however it was manage to be settled. And the singing session started, it was funny that xiu ying and xiao yun keep disturbing me when i was singing, i was not annoyed, at least i knew there wasn't a big gap between us although we come from different course. The singing session was yet short and i had been running to and fro at the 2 rooms we booked. I did enjoy the time.
Afterwards, i decided to seperate myself from the team because i need some privacy to buy my things, it is always not good to let people wait. When i left, the rest were planning to go for movie, and i was not sure if i joined them or continue buying my things. I quickly followed xiu ying and xiao yun to buy my things at low yat first, but we seperated half way, and i speeded myself to time square to survey for bags, hopefully i could make it to join them for movie since it was my roommate birthday, i need to be 'participative'...but somehow, when i reached the ticket counter, the plan is cancelled for some reasons, maybe it was too late or what (although i don't really think so), but i knew ZEN want to watch 'Benjamin Button', so i tended to be supportive, i just want to insist and din't want any disappointment, but nevermind, i need to follow the team's decision, it was good also that xiu ying and xiao yun help me to shop for my bag, i managed to find one at converse shop, it wasn't cheap, yet i like it! Before we left, we had the chance to get 2 free ice-cream! Hehe...but i know my stomach can not consume two ice-cream at the same time, i gave it to shi jay..meanwhile, we found ourselve at monorail station and ready to leave..
When i was back to my room, i chit-chatted with my roommates for a while before i bath...Again, a lonely dinner...haiz...I tested my new ear phone while having a nap...then i called yu ling to wish her and i went mamak with my roommates and jo ee...Me and jo ee felt like not making the night a waste, hence we planned something afterwards actually, but however my mood is totally spoiled when both of my roommates have something else to is frustrating but i have used to it...
It is 3am now, this is the first blog i write, although it is a slot for me to voice up my feeling and remark what i have done in days, but i know there are limitations for me also, something that i could not really mention in this slot since people will come across my blog, after all it is not good to let people know too much...hehe! Although it was a valentine day, but for those who are still single can also really make it enjoyable. For me, i did enjoy the day, but somehow i did not enjoy the night...