Sunday, July 11, 2010

Working during Holiday

I’m leaving my hometown, Ipoh, after a long holiday. I need to go back to UM to have another sem. This holiday, I didn’t totally stay at home(If I did so, I would be bored till die!), I spent a big portion of my holiday to work at KL, to earn some money.

Let’s recall what kind of jobs I involved in this holiday. Wern Yet, Chu Hong and I went to lots of place for interviews, for instances, restaurants, shops, promoter agents and etc.

We went to a training at E-promoter, at that time, I got my first job which is to promote Protex products at Guardian Bukit Bintang for 8 days. But then, I quitted that lame job after 2 days working. I just couldn’t bear with the suffocating atmosphere, boredoms and tiredness. I was supposed to do sampling on sanitizer, but guess what? Sanitizer is not being sold in that outlet! My supervisor asked me to promote other Protex Products, but somehow, it seemed stupid to let customers tried on the sanitizer, then told them it was not being sold there, asked them to purchase another products. WTF. Most of the customers were foreigners, and some of them didn’t even know English or Chinese. I ended up with weak sales in the first two days, then my supervisor called and complained on me, she asked me to be more aggressive(chase customers and keep promoting), walao…if you were customers, would you get annoyed? Well, maybe it was not a suitable job for me, so I quitted.

For weekdays, I worked at Ecoparadise, mostly on customer services. The spa is based on the concept of anti-oxidant which can neutralize excessive free radicals in our body, and hence stabilize our body with immunity boosted. That means when I was working, I actually breathed in the anti-oxidant also, indeed it made me feel healthier and more energetic. It was not a tough job and I had a lot of free time, the manager also treated us so nice, I had quite a lot of free meals during the working period, haha, really need to thank Mrs Wong. I made new friends and meet those customers with severe diseases, I appreciated their will to fight for their lives. It was a really great job that provided learning chances for me, I didn’t regret and perhaps, I would go back to work someday.

I also worked as promoter for Safegg at Wisma Thrifty for 6 days, another tiring job. It was a job to test my patience and ability to eat snake! Well, it was still better than promoting Protex because it was higher paid and more convenience. I didn’t have much constraint so, I usually have chance to eat snake! The egg I promoted is the healthiest, safest and yet, it is the most costly one. Most of the customers stressed on economic products, so they seldom purchased such expensive things, despite how good it was. It was true! For me, it was not really worth it. But anyway, I still need to thank the person who introduced the job for me. Haha…

After a month of hard work, I reached the amount that I targeted to earn. I went back to Ipoh and ready for my trip. So excited! I was able to afford a backpack in Singapore! A memorable one! Hooray!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

2nd year..

Wah…Time flies, I have finished 2nd year, now moving ahead to 3rd year. I have also stepped into my golden age, it’s my 21st. Let’s see what I’ve done during my 2nd year and some of the reveals of my thought.

Academic: Err…pretty well? But don’t think that I’m proud of this, I am just satisfied that my hard work was really really paid off and I was really really lucky! Or I can say that it was not a really hard work, maybe I just become more used to the examination system and question pattern. And also, my coursemates have been assisting me all the time, I won’t improve otherwise. So, really want to thank them! Especially for those who ever let me copy assignment…hehe… For the upcoming year, I wish I could be more independent and hardworking, don’t be procrastinating!

GACC: The atmosphere was much better than 13th. I was a publication director, thanks to Chai Jhen, Siow Hoong, and Swee Jiat for their helps. Hopefully the book was not disappointing. And also, for all the MTs, sorry if I’ve done something wrong, I was really enjoyed to work and play with you guys, especially Li hong, Gacc 14 would have been quiet all along without her…haha..more outings coming?

JKPAP/MOHEC: Oo…really sorry that I burst out in that meeting, sorry to my victim, Jo Ee, I was not really in good mood at that time, hope you didn’t mind. MOHEC was the first time organized by us, so there were plenty of mistakes might have happened, nevermind, we learned from mistakes! And I think I’ve handled the account in a quite messy way, and some of the debt I even haven’t collected yet, and yet I don’t plan to do so…sorry la...I fed up with that arrogant girl. (Is she?)

MATB1: Very funny, I was the publication director again, and all my anak biro were my roommates or ex-roommates! Ken, Zen, and Wern Yet, thank you also la, sometimes you guys were quite helpful, but actually I think there were nothing much to help also..haha…anyways, good to have you all. And yet, thanks Jun Yan as a responsible director! Bravo..

CC: Congrats May Fong , Choong Wern and Cheng Leong succeeded in representing CC…We really can see your effort and sincerity. For the CC activities organized, I personally think that it should have partially cut off, it makes us becoming lazier to join, don’t talk about tradition, again and again, it’s not necessary… Anyway, there were some activities which were remarkable, like SF night, Mooncake festival and CNY, I had a lot of fun indeed! Good Jobs for the coor. Wish that CC would be more successful next year!

Friends: There are friends I like or don’t like, but it will definitely remain in secret! Hehe..seriously I don’t like annoying friends and bird friends, nobody does right? I am not the person who can make jokes or being put inside the jokes all the while…I admit that my EQ is a bit low, I might be emotional, but now I’m learning how to control it…and definitely I won’t put on the facebook status to let people know la, maybe before that I would, but I found it helpless and it just will be irritating, so what’s the point? And yet, really thanks for those friends who really treat me as their good friends. I may not be the ideal friend. In my mind, there is always a scale, I will treat a friend as the way he treat me, sounds fair right?

Okay, last but not least, I would welcome my 3rd year with my open arms, let’s see what would happen, a breakthrough? Lol..

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


为什么最近这样烦,多tests到死,搞到我对college的活动不负责任,考试又少分,都不知道lecturer要什么。这个礼拜生日,是二十一岁的,但是偏偏这个礼拜最多tests,要在房间煲lecture notes粥,不能出去wet,妈的,Sien死。。

Friday, January 15, 2010


超旧没写部落各了,不是懒惰,而是觉得没有这个必要。今天突然会写,也只是因为心中的郁闷,有时候真的不懂为什么自己这样废!空闲了又不会好好利用时间,总觉得有东西忙会使自己更有冲劲,更会利用时间。现在太过清闲了,整个人都好像很废,做什么都毫无意义,有东西等着去做的,但自己不肯起步,变得过分懒散!我需要一些东西来做,使自己忙一点,要给自己一点推动力,自己才会变得积极。不懂改天会不会变成工作狂?但愿如此!我希望自己是工作狂,赚多多钱来实现自己的梦想 – 去环游世界,买豪宅美车,让家人感到光荣!哈哈,毕竟还是个梦想啦。。



讲下GACC吧,它在去年年尾就已经落幕了。其实自己本身还蛮喜欢今年的感觉,风格不一样,改革了许多,在juniors的口中,他们都觉得很轻松,很enjoy,没有想象中那么忙。。很开心的,这也代表了十一个MTS的成功!要谢谢lihong和meishan,他们找到的product,我们都拿到很爽,哈哈!当然还有director的‘默默付出’,他真的很犀利,只是低调了少少。GACC MTS 不同的地方是,他们对自己的project都好像不会有很重的feeling,感觉上好像办完了就算,我也是其中之一,不懂这样算好吗?当然有时MTS一起出来玩的时候也蛮爽的,尤其是看lihong发癫!当了半年的GACC publication director,我真的没有后悔,而且‘获益’良多,就好像从下一年起,我们每年都有免费的五星酒店晚餐。

